Meet the Faculty and Staff

Marcia Kilsby
Richard Show
Albert McMullen




Karen Reiner
Nadya Lewis
Albert McMullen




Monday, November 30, 2009

Nadya's last day

Monday, November 30th was the last day of work for our Administrative Assistant, Nadya Lewis. After nearly 9 years with our department her efficient handling of all her responsibilities will be greatly missed. Here are some pictures of the hallway party held in her honor.

The "magic pastry chef" struck again. Thanks Andrea for the great bars.

Three different soups.

Thanks for the organizational work of Grace Carlos (Chemistry) and Karen Reiner (CLS). Veggies and dips being prepared.

Panera bread and spreads to go along with the soups.

Crackers and dips.

Dr. Kilsby, Chair of the CLS Department and Nadya.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

CLS Chef strikes again

Every so often a plate of goodies appears in the student lounge. Andrea Rogers, Senior CLS major bakes some wonderful treats. This morning she brought in some chocolate chip and butterscotch chip bars. They seem to be appearing on the morning of Chemistry exams??? And you know Mr. Show loves chocolate.... any connection there???

Thanks Andrea for the goodies. As you can see they disappear fairly rapidly.

Very sad occasion for CLS Department

On Monday, November 23rd, the faculty, staff and spouses gathered at Tosi's Restaurant for a going-away supper for our Administrative Assistant Nadya Lewis. Nadya has kept the CLS Department running smoothly for the past 9 years and will be greatly missed. Following are some pictures Don Barton, our newest faculty member, shared with us.

Don and Cindy Barton

Brittany Blair, Senior CLS major and lab assistant, with Nadya Lewis

Marcia and Harvey Kilsby. If Marcia looks a little tired in these pictures it's because she just returned from a 10 day trip to North Korea.

Al and Fran McMullen

Dorothy and Richard Show

Karen and Kevin Reiner

The food was great and the time fellowshipping together was also great. Nadya's last day with the Department is November 30th. She will be moving to Florida where her hsband Wendell has been working. Thanks Nadya for all you have done for the Department and our students. You will be greatly missed.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Matthew Marsh - Class of 2008

Matthew enjoying a little spelunking with friends

Friday, November 13, 2009

International Potluck - November 2009

On Thursday, November 12th the Faculty, Staff, and Senior CLS students brought their favorite dishes to share in our annual International potluck. This is what it looked like before the food began arriving.

The food begins to arrive.

Mr. Show pointed out each dish and the contributor explained what it was and any interesting facts about the food.

Here are some pictures of the food, and not all of it, as food contined to arrive after these pictures were taken.

Fran McMullen points out the perogies she baked with potatoe and cheese filling. The dish beside it is the potato salad Mr. Show made,

Wish I could remember all the names of the dishes and who brought them, The black and white dish were rice balls - I think!!

There were several dishes of delicious enchiladas. These were prepared by Mrs. Reiner.

Grace Carlos from the Chemistry Department brought fixings for haystacks.

Andrea Rogers brought these delicious chocholate chip cookies covered with carmel and chocholate. Yummy Yummy.

Mango fool was brought by Edna Haldar who also brought a spicy dish of rice and chicken.
The two loves of bannana bread were brought by Jenissa Vazquez. Sorry folks but this is about all I can connect with - but I know Nadya Lewis brought many dishes of food.

Randelle, Andrey, Edna, Susana, and Brittany enjoying the good food.

Giselle (who brought a spicy chicken dish) and Sachiko sampling the fare.

Andrea, Jenissa, and Nicole trying to decide what to get next?

Lenworth giving the food a thumbs up. Looks like he is enjoying it.

Michael and Robert found a quiet spot to enjoy their meal.

Grace Carlos (Chemistry Administrative Assistant) and Mikki partaking.

I think Nana gives the food a high rating.

Derrick gives the food a thumbs up. By the looks of his plate he is sampling a good share of the dishes.

Fran McMullen (Seminary Administrative Assistant - and Al McMullen's wife) shares some talk time with Merideth.
There was so much food left over that any student or faculty member who passed by was invited to partake. The food was all great - thanks for a very enjoyable meal.